Regarding custom chandelier, what should be given attention to?


With the continuous development of interior decoration, of course some new ideas have emerged. For example, custom-made furniture is also a very common thing nowadays.The custom chandelier we introduced today is what many friends are concerned about, and there are actually processes and steps when customizing chandelier.

custom chandelier

Different from buying directly in the lighting market, you just need to buy one you like. When choosing a custom chandelier, everyone should contact the manufacturer and understand the basic situation of the them. Of course, you must also communicate with the lighting designer, what style you like, and whether the designer can design a chandelier that you really like. It's very critical. So, today we are gonna show you what should be given attention to when you need some bespoke lighting for your house or building project?

Choose the right custom manufacturer

As we said, there is a difference between custom chandelier and direct purchase on the market.The first problem to be solved is to choose the suitable custom manufacturer.

Regarding this point, we also have to understand from diverse directions. 

First of all, we need to look at the strength of the manufacturer, such as the time of establishment, and the experience of the entire industry, and even the overall scale of the situation. The standard of strength, of course, we will tend to choose strong manufacturers; in addition, we can also look at cases, such as the level of design, how the overall style is, whether it is what we like, and we can refer to their project cases.

What are the customization steps

First of all, of course, you need to fully communicate with the designer. Let the designer know what style you like, so that the other party can plan the design ideas according to your aesthetics. Everyone should know that the communication between the two parties is particularly critical. 

Secondly, let the designer understand the style of the house decoration and measure the relevant dimensions, so as to combine the decoration situation and the basic dimensions to truly implement the design.

Finally, the adjustment of the design drawing and the process of completing the customization is the key points. Of course, the finalization of the design drawing and the selection of the material of the lamps and lanterns are of great importance.

Contact us immediately and we can give you professional chandelier solutions. 

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